May 18, 2025
Norwegian Daufødt has one foot steadily planted in the punk domain while the other one is kicking down doors to noise rock, drone and experimental music.
After winning a Norwegian Grammy for their rock inspired debut album the band opted to go for a hard left turn for their second album with a harsher and rougher sound. Through a partnership with noise guru Lasse Marhaug the band made their sophomore album “Aromaterapi” and deconstructed noise tape “Eksponeringsterapi”. The releases were followed up by extensive club tours in Scandinavia as well as doing some of the biggest festivals there such as Roskilde and Øyafestivalen.
With their new album «Glitter» the band has further evolved their mix of punk, noise rock and drone and is looking forward to once again take their tradmark high intensity live shows out on the road.